Fitting instructions:
1. Prepare surface correctly. Use water to clean. (Avoid using window cleaning liquid/chemicals)
2. Squeegee over sticker, to ensure the clear application tape has a good bond of the vinyl and will lift it from the backing paper.
3. Carefully remove white/blue backing paper, leaving the sticker on clear application tape, if you have any issues lifting the vinyl with the clear application tape, repeat step 2 until it comes up easily.
4. Apply one edge of sticker to surface, slowly lay the rest of the sticker onto surface, a card or similar item will help squeegee the item down. Ensure you have firmly squeegee’d the item onto the surface for best adhesion.
5. Slowly, Remove clear application tape, leaving your new sticker applied to the surface.
Tip. After removing the clear application tape, go around the vinyl with your thumb, ensuring there are no small areas that lifted a little during removal of the clear application tape. The vinyl must be 100% adhered to ensure water cannot ingress